
Working from home is easy right? That's why you decided to take up several jobs at once while you relax in your beach house. What you didn't consider is how many emails you'll need to respond to.

Employers are constantly assigning tasks while spam emails try to steal your credentials. You find yourself tethered to your desktop...haunted by the sound of incoming emails every 10 seconds.

How To Play:

  • Win by making it to the end of the work day (17:00) without being fired.
  • You get a strike every time you fall for spam or fail a task. Three strikes and you're fired.
  • Let your emails pile up too high (10 emails) and you'll be fired.
  • You'll receive more emails every 10 seconds.


Main Game Music: "blast off!" by syncopika

A project from Bowl Monkey Labs. Created by Dan ColomGabriel Hardwick, and Max Lepkowski.


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